Polkadot Hackathon:
Prodigy edition

7 MAY - 26 MAY 2024

The Hackathon

Welcome to the Polkadot Hackathon: Prodigy Edition! This is a fantastic opportunity for developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to showcase their skills and build innovative solutions on Polkadot.

The hackathon is open to all individuals who are passionate about creating decentralized apps on Polkadot. You can participate either as a solo hacker or as part of a team. This is a unique chance to work on exciting projects, learn from industry experts, and have the opportunity to win valuable prizes. The event is designed to create a perfect environment for collaboration with like-minded individuals and to build new solutions. You don’t need to be a Rust or Substrate expert to participate in the hackathon! All skill levels are welcome. Whether you’re new to these technologies or seasoned in other areas, join us for a learning-focused and collaborative event. We provide resources and support to help you dive in and contribute your unique skills. Let’s innovate together—no prior expertise required!

Be the future of web3
Be the future of web3
Be the future of web3


Web3 Tooling

A dedicated track for building Web3 infrastructure and expanding UI/UX with governance tools.

ink - Smart Contracts

ink! is a Rust-based programming language for creating smart contracts on Substrate-based blockchains. It offers efficient, secure, and dynamic smart contract creation using EVM and Wasm contracts, with a transpiler for seamless interoperability.


This track is for developers interested in building all kinds of DeFi-related solutions, like DEXs, AMMs, stablecoins, etc. DeFi applications based on smart contracts or running on the Substrate chain.

AI-Web3 Synergy

AI-Web3 Synergy track challenges you to create innovative solutions that combine AI and Web3 technologies, such as smart contracts, Web3-Social, DeFi, or NFT. Your mission is to build wickedly smart and secure solutions that can revolutionize industries.

NFT & Gaming

This track is for developers interested in gaming, art, collectibles, and other NFT use cases that can fit into the NFT & Gaming track. NFT applications are based on smart contracts or run on a Substrate chain.


A total of $58,000 USDT in 5 Categories


$6,600 USDT


$3,000 USDT


$2,000 USDT

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Web3 Tooling
$6,600 USDT
$3,000 USDT
$2,000 USDT
ink - Smart contracts
$6,600 USDT
$3,000 USDT
$2,000 USDT
$6,600 USDT
$3,000 USDT
$2,000 USDT
NFT & Gaming
$6,600 USDT
$3,000 USDT
$2,000 USDT
AI-Web3 Synergy
$6,600 USDT
$3,000 USDT
$2,000 USDT

Our Mentors

Alex Bean

Software Engineer, Blockchain and Web3 ROGUE

Dimitar Dzhalev

Software Developer at LimeChain

Stanislav Viyachev

Software Developer at LimeChain

Luis Alberto Ramírez Albino

Head of DevRel at Gear Foundation

Martin Dimitrov

Software Developer at LimeChain

Kevin Neilson

Moonbeam Developer, Relations Engineer

Galin Ganchev

Software Developer at LimeChain

Georgi Radev

Software Developer at LimeChain

Ivan Ivanov

Software Developer at LimeChain

Konstantina Blazhukova

Software Developer at LimeChain

Stanimir Stoyanov

Software Developer at LimeChain

Anton Rusev

Software Developer at LimeChain

Mihail Kirov

Software Developer at LimeChain

Alberto Penayo

Integrations Engineer

Dominique Saripapazoglou

Integration Engineer at Parity Technologies

Our Judges

Zsófi Major

Ecosystem Marketing Manager at Tanssi Network

Brian Sasbon

Co-Founder at NeoPower, Systems Engineer

Alex Bean

Software Engineer, Blockchain and Web3 ROGUE

Kevin Neilson

Moonbeam Developer, Relations Engineer

Bryan Chen

Chief Technology Officer at Laminar

Chris Li

Founder and CEO of OAK Network

Eliott Teissonniere

CoFounder and Chief Technology Officer at Nodle

Pavel Salas

Chief Growth Officer at Gear Foundation

Luis Alberto Ramírez Albino

Head of DevRel at Gear Foundation

Arutchelvi Angappan

Software Engineer, previously at IQVIA

Nicholas Morgan Milá

Ecosystem Success at Parity Technology

Edgar Salinas

Founder & CEO at Peranto

Vladimir Trifonov

Blockchain Developer

Hristo Gergov

Business Development Manager

Aleksandrina Aleksieva-Todorova

QA Lead & Engineering Manager

Zhivko Todorov

R&D Lead

Dominique Saripapazoglou

Integration Engineer at Parity Technologies

Ecosystem Team challenges & prizes

Rust - Smart Contracts

Vara Network

1st Place: $5000

2nd Place: $3000

3rd Place: $1000

Mentorship hours
Media Partners
Supported by


When will the hackathon take place?
The hackathon is scheduled to take place from May 7 to June 2, 2024 (CET). The coding competition will run from May 7 to May 26, while the assessment period will take place from May 27 to June 2.
What are the eligibility requirements to participate in the hackathon?
This event is primarily focused on Bulgaria and the Balkans, but it is open to anyone who is interested. Regardless of your experience level as a blockchain or non-blockchain developer, or whether you're looking to learn more about building on and for Polkadot, or if you're entirely new to the Web3 space, we confidently invite you to attend!
Is the hackathon open to non-developers or non-engineers?
Yes, the hackathon is open to anyone who is interested in building decentralized applications on Polkadot using Substrate. You do not need to have a background in programming or engineering to participate, but it may be helpful to have some experience or knowledge in these areas.
What is the maximum number of participants allowed on a team?
Teams are limited to a maximum of 5 members. There are no other requirements for forming a team. However, we strongly encourage teams to consist of members with diverse backgrounds to bring different perspectives to your project. You may also choose to participate as a solo hacker.
Can I collaborate with individuals from different countries to form a team?
Yes, you can collaborate with anyone from around the world to form a team.
How can I find team members for the hackathon?
You can find team members through the hackathon's official communication channels, such as the Discord server or the hackathon website. You can also form a team with people you already know or reach out to individuals who have expressed interest in participating in the hackathon.
Is there a requirement for all team members to register for the hackathon?
Yes, all team members must register for the hackathon individually. When you register, you can appoint a team lead to create the project’s page and invite you there.
Do I have to build on Substrate or be familiar with Polkadot to participate in the hackathon?
No, there will be workshops on how to use Substrate during the hackathon.
How will the hackathon be structured?
The hackathon will be held virtually with participants working remotely on their projects. Online workshops and mentorship sessions will also be available to support the participants.
What kind of support will be available to participants during the hackathon?
Participants will have access to online workshops, mentorship sessions, and other resources to support them in their projects. There will also be a community of developers and experts who can offer guidance and advice.
How will the winners be selected and what are the prizes?
The winners will be selected by a panel of judges based on the quality and innovation of their projects. The total pool of prizes is $58 000.
Is there a code of conduct for the hackathon?
Yes, there is a code of conduct for the hackathon, which all participants must follow. The code of conduct is designed to ensure a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment for all participants.
Co-organized by
Funded by